Adobe Training Courses Upcoming Events...

7 Magpies Photography Exhibition...
13th to 27th May 2016...
Held at Woolaton Hall, Notts, OL9 6AA the 7 Magpies Exhibition features wildlife photography from the MsC Students at Nottingham Univerisity. Curve and Learn are looking forward to this one as having provided training for the students we're looking forward to catching up with them.
South Derbyshire Business Show...
23rd October 2014...
Looking forward to this - we'll be there from 10 until 5 demonstrating what we do. Come see us and chat about how our Adobe Courses can be tailored around you. We run closed company courses and also one to one tuition for private persons wanting to up their design skills.
Visit us to see how we can save you money by upskilling your staff and bringing design inhouse...
QuarkXpress Training...
QuarkXpress Training Courses across the Midlands. May has seen more bookings for Quark than over the last 6 months...

C&L Blog...
Curve and Learn news - C&L News...
We're becoming busier, which means more news, more events, more training and more staff so although this events page stays keep an eye on our new blog to keep abreast of news /offers /tutorials etc at...

Lightroom Training...
May 2014...
From May 2014 we are running Lightroom Training. Learn how to give photography that additional edge and sleek shine on one of our courses.
Check out the C&L blog at Lightroom Training

Microsoft Word Training...
26 March 2014...
Learn to control and design documents on this Word Training course. Learn how to stop text and graphics moving 'randomly' on the page. Understand Word and use it to produce newsletters, flyers, booklets and complex reports.
This Microsoft Word Training Course is being held in the Midlands. Please contact us for more information.
We are running Word Training Workshops and Word seminars throughout the year.
We run Microsoft Office and Word Training in all versions.
Adobe Fireworks Training...
Fireworks Course 24th March 2014...
Find out how to design graphics for the web. Work with banners, create custom corporate design for Twitter, Facebook and Social Media.
Fireworks Training Courses for up to 6 people in Leicester...

Leicester Photoshop Training...
3 March 2014...
3 March see's our first Photoshop Training in Leicester running from our own training rooms. Located in central Leicester within a stones throw of Leicester station and the city centre.
We will be running Photoshop Introduction Courses, Photoshop Advanced, the usual Photoshop Workshops, customised Photoshop Training and of course Photoshop Elements Courses. We will be running a full menu of our Adobe Courses in Leicester
Adobe Fireworks Training Course...
Adobe Fireworks CC Training 2014...
Running from Mid January our Adobe Fireworks Course covers the areas you need to produce site mockups, Social Media graphics, Banners and more...
HTML eMail Course...
December 2013...
We run HTML eMail Courses working with Dreamweaver and Photoshop. Publish your campaign using either Outlook or MailChimp. ...

Adobe Photoshop Courses...
August 2013...
Photoshop Training for up to 6 for £500 during the last two weeks of August out at less than £100 per person. August Photoshop Training Dates - Special Offer only during August

Adobe Courses Creative Cloud...
Creative Cloud Course overviews will be posted onsite shortly. Photoshop Courses, InDesign Courses, Illustrator Courses are run at all levels and of course, bespoke CC Training Courses.
LPPG Exhibition...
June 2013...
We are currently exhibitioning photography at the LPPG in Leicester. So if you're in Leicester during the summer why not pop in and take a look around.
For address details and more information pop over to their Facebook Page at LPPG

Microsoft Office 365 Courses...
We are working on the Office 365 Training Course overviews for PowerPoint, Publisher and Word.
Get in touch for more details..

DTP Workshops...
Saturday 19 June 2013...
Our Desktop Publishing Workshops on Saturdays cover various aspects of the Creative Suite. The workshop is designed to bring design and publishing inhouse for small business users looking to save money and gain desktop publishing skills in an informal setting.
The workshop covers different elements of the Adobe Creative Suite including InDesign, Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Illustrator and Microsoft Publisher.

Photoshop Day ...
Saturday 6 July 2013 Photoshop Event...
We run corporate digital events including Photoshop. Learn Photoshop in relaxed surroundings, bring your camera and enjoy an excellent lunch and five star treatment in the beautiful Derbyshire Countryside...

Desktop Publishing Course
Saturday 27 July 2013...
During Summer 2013 we will be running the Adobe Desktop Training days for small businesses. Instead of outsourcing Desktop Publishing work to external designers or studios why not take the cost effective route by learning Desktop Publishing and bring all your business design inhouse.

Photoshop Elements Workshop...
July Dates TBC
The Photoshop Elements workshop looks at various ways to improve, enhance or totally distort (depending on individual preferences) images. The Photoshop workshop is not really about taking a set course but learning the software with an unstructured and relaxed approach.